Why you don’t need to be a developer to get data done with K3

Connects To Data Anywhere

K3 connects to every kind of data.  New software systems, old software systems, databases files.  You have legacy? EDI?  Not a problem.

Streaming ETL

Nothing is more powerful than a business analyst with the right tools.   Meaningful data control happens right in K3’s user interface.

Hybrid Integration

K3 seamlessly integrates data for the modern enterprise.  K3 is as comfortable in the cloud as it is on premise.  K3 is designed from the ground up to to connect in house and SaaS applications out of the box.

Google-like Search for your business

K3 saves all data.  What’s more is that K3 uses distributed indexing to give your data google like search qualities.

Position Limits

The most advanced exchange, MiFID II position limits software.  Real-time reference and fully published APIs.

Regulatory Reporting

Off-the-shelf connections from your trading system to ANY global trade repository.

Exchange Integration

Certified trades and orders flowed real time into your trading systems.  30+ exchanges and FCMs

Trade Surveillance

Certified real-time data feeds from the exchange.  Intuitive, flexible, visual reports.  Remarkably quick deployment.

Frequently asked questions

Good question!   First and foremost, K3 stands on the shoulders of all the integration platforms, ESBs, etc… that came before us.  But K3 goes a lot further.   The first difference is K3’s design to ensure  non-technical tasks are be performed by non-technical people.  There’s never enough developers.  Period.  The second difference is future-proofing K3’s architecture.  Remember [XYZ Platform]?  It was great until…wow that’s old and clunky!  We built K3 to accommodate for evolving technology. But, at the end of the day it’s about reducing nonsense and increasing performance.  That’s how we are different.

Possibly. If you host in the cloud there will be additional hosting charges based on the size and scope of how much data you keep.  If you want a reserved instance we generally pass through the hosting charges at cost.

We grew up on Wall Street.  It’s a complicated and intense place. But all the integration goodness we built to grapple with complexity is equally applicable to other industries. We have a growing roster of customers in all types of industries, and would love to show you what K3 can do for your data.

No. Core pricing is a relic of older client/server architectures. K3 is built on a modern distributed process which is far more robust and reliable. There is a scaling component the size of the distributed cluster.  We simply charge by the number of integrations you have and the type of adapters you use.  That’s it.

Enterprise Class Servers only.  Don’t get us wrong. We love the desktop data blending functions of our predecessors. But at the end of the day if you have real streaming and batch enterprise data you will want to step up to a full distributed server capabilities with security, segregation etc.

K3 is licensed on an annual basis.  We scale pricing simply by the number and type of integrations you create.

Yes.  If you are on an enterprise license, have technical proficiency, and an appetite to do your own thing, we are happy to accommodate.

YES!  That’s the essence of Hybrid Integration.  K3 specializes in connecting to older and newer applications alike.  So if you have an old system you want to connect to Salesforce…that’s right in our wheelhouse.

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