Connect 100’s of API’s (for both new and legacy systems), all without writing any code.

K3’s user-friendly interface allows you to connect 100’s of API’s (for both new and legacy systems), all without writing any code.

And if the API changes…

Just seamlessly update the integration with one simple cURL.

With K3, you can put data mapping in the hands of (non-technical!) business-facing leaders, or simply make the developers’ life just a little. bit. easier. 

Broadpeak’s K3 can help you access the most complex data sets, even if they’re scattered across a handful of apps, spreadsheets, and archaic systems.

Compile it all into one single database.

And get gorgeous, clean analytics, to share out, anytime.

(Using Tableau, Power BI, or your favorite reporting app.)

Data privacy is guaranteed.

And at once clear price, K3 is easy to scale.

Plus, our no-nonsense technical staff is here to help you get set up with ease, and will happily answer software or data questions, at each stage of your business growth.

Get in touch today to explore how K3 Enterprise can solve your toughest data issues.

See what K3’s customers are saying on Capterra.