K3 for Trading

Trade Surveillance

Elevate Your Oversight with BroadPeak Trade Surveillance

BroadPeak is the sole provider offering a robust surveillance system that monitors both physical and financial trading activities. Our solution provides seamless connectivity for accessing orders and trades from most of the largest global exchanges, such as ICE, CME and Nodal, along with compatibility with a broad range of execution platforms for other venues. 

We streamline data into a uniform format, making it easily accessible for alerting and investigation. This standardization supports compliance with both internal policies and external market surveillance regulations, allowing you to keep a vigilant eye on trading activity.

Internal Data Sources:

Our integration with your C/ETRMs systems guarantees that physical trade data is not left unchecked, ensuring cross-market surveillance that enables visibility into all the firm’s exposures.

Orders Data:

With K3, you're equipped to capture every bid, cancel, amend, and quote acknowledgement, protecting you against potentially manipulative practices like spoofing, layering and wash trades.

BroadPeak’s Trade Surveillance Covers You:

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